Saturday, August 6, 2011

Monday, February 2, 2009

Peter Evan Ray's Painting

If you have your dental work done at Dr. Ray's, you can get a painless filling (really!) and see an ETP original while Pete drills away.

Mary Peterson Clyde's paintings (last grouping)

Ok, these are the last of MPC's:

Mary thinks this one is a French pastoral landscape.

This is a picture of the Lower East Side in Manhatten, painted from a photo ETP took when he visited Mary in 1982.

This is an unfinished oil that hangs in David and Thomas' old room. Although I am a native New Yorker (as Pa would point out with a wink), I'm not sure if this is a scene from New York.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


These are some of the John R Peterson family paintings by ETP. Thank you to Janette Peterson Toolson for all of your effort in photographing and putting these together.

San Diego Coast

Utah meadow in the Fall, Utah County.

Pacific Coast at Monterey, CA.

Copy of Monet's "The Artist's House at Argenteuil" painted at the request of Janette Peterson Toolson.

La Jolla Cove along the Pacific Coast at La Jolla.
Provo River near the mouth of Provo Canyon - Pastel
Cinque Terra off the Mediterranean Coast of Italy. This is from a photograph taken by John during a trip to Italy in 2004. Evan loved it and started the painting but did not finish it. A neighbor and dear friend of Evan and Gail said he would finish it, which he did.

Water Color of a cartoon found in the New Yorker, given to John for his birthday by Evan Tye. The caption "Save the Unicorns" - Evan said this is the story of his life, trying to save lost causes. John doubts that.

Field of hay in Iron County, UT.

Cabin that used to be attributed to being the home of Butch Cassidy, Central Utah.

Pastel # 1 done on the same trip as Pastel #2 - Central Utah - location unknown.

Pastel #2 Evan Tye painted this for John during a quick visit to central Utah one summer. It took him less than an hour to paint, John was amazed. Location unknown.

The Tetons. This painting hung in Juna Tye's home and after her death was given to Marcia and John by Evan Tye.

Quaking Aspen. Painting done of either the north side of Mt Timpanogas or the Alpine drive in central Utah.

Lake in Utah desert.

Juna Tye Peterson mopping the kitchen floor at 342 W Vernon. This is a typical view of our mother. You can see hanging down from her left shoulder her garments, not an unusual sight. The bucket is the old one we used for everything. Juna thought the only way to mop a floor properly was to get down on your hands and knees. Through the door is our old dining room with the old gold drapes. The painting in the background is one of Evan Tye's of Superstition Mountain. Through the window you can see the home across the street of Marie David, an immigrant woman who was adopted by Juna Tye.
Uncle Bob added, "The neighbor's name was Marie Davis and she was from Czechoslovakia. She had a pretty heavy accent."

342 W Vernon, Phoenix, AZ. Home where Harold and Juna Peterson lived for so many years with their four sons, Burke, Evan, John and Robert. Evan Tye did this for John and Marcia upon their release as missionaries in the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission. It was one of Evan's favorite oils.

Granite Reef. This granite outcropping is along the Salt River east of Phoenix. It is now called, by non-old timers, Red Mountain.

This is a scene in southern Utah at the ranch of John Thomas Alexander. After the death of Harold, Juna Tye Peterson married Blaine H Alexander, John's father. Juna used to go there with John's family and on at least one occasion, Evan went there to pick up his mother.

This is another of the area of John Thomas Alexander's ranch in southern Utah.

This is a log cabin which was just south of the old hotel owned and operated by Harold Anton Peterson's eldest sister, Josie Miller, in Scipio, UT. During summer vacations the boys would walk by this cabin. The yellow flowers depicted are wide roses. Evan loved their fragrance.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

H Burke Peterson & Family - ETP Paintings

With the help of Gayle Peterson Steele we are in the process of receiving the photographs of ETP's paintings from the H Burke Peterson family. Thank you Uncle Burke for your information on several of the paintings. It is so fun to know the stories behind them.

ROBIN PETERSON PEDERSEN Collection of ETP paintings:
Painting of Uncle Burke as a baby. Painted from a photograph in Uncle Burke's home.

This landscape hung in Uncle Burke's office at the Church Office building from 1972-1993.

The Wine Picure: In the late 1980's Evan had all of Uncle Burke's daughters choose a painting. Robin chose this one.

JANA PETERSON STAPLES Collection of ETP Paintings:
Jana Peterson Staples has this painting of Salzburg, Austria. She loves having it in her home and has visited this square which Evan captured and calls it a charming place. I agree Jana.

GAYLE PETERSON STEELE Collection of ETP Paintings:

Gayle and Bill Steele have this painting of Burke and Evan riding "Baldy", Harold's old horse, in Scipio, UT. The boys rode the horse to take the cows to the field.

Bill and Gayle Steele have this Still Life painted in 1951. It hung in three of Juna Tye's homes. Gayle grew up seeing this painting and it brings fond memories.

SHERRIE PETERSON DECKER Collection of ETP Paintings:

Beloved Sherrie Peterson Decker had this one of Monument Valley in her home in Mesa. It is now in her sister Gayle P Steele's home.


Uncle Burke and Aunt Brookie have this one and only painting of Evan's. As teenagers Burke and Evan worked on it's construction. The church building is located on East Ashland, east of Central Avenue, south of Encanto and was a 10 minute walk from their home.

Notes from Uncle John: The painting that Burke had of the old Phoenix Third Ward building wasn't finished by Evan. David Ragar finished it with some coaching by me as to what it looked like way back when.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mary Peterson Clyde's Utah Paintings

Please see the changes in italics made thanks to wise Uncle John and my dear old dad (his comments are in bold)!

In case you were feeling intimidated about sending in your pictures, rest assured they couldn't be much worse than these. Really, I don't know why I can't take a straight picture!

My mom and I think that all of these are Utah pictures, but we know little more than that.
Orderville, Utah: it looks like the white cliffs East of Orderville and Mt. Carmel.

The third picture is not Utah--there are no mountains like that in Utah. It looks to me like the Tetons, specifically the Grand, Teewinot and Mt. Owen from near Jackson Lake.
One is a gas station in the desert labeled Richfield. I think is in a little town east of Wickenburg, possibly Morristown or Wittman.

The painting following that is a Utah house.
I believe the one after the Lehi Rollermills is in and old abandoned mining town in Utah, Mercur

Given to Sarah Clyde for her high school graduation (2001)

The one following that is in Utah and it kind of looks like our Aunt Visa's (Lovisa) home in Scipio. It looks like Scipio to me. Maybe someone can tell better. Visa was the youngest sister of our Grandmother Sadie Peterson.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Shaffer Collection

Here's a portrait of Kim, Nikki (twins 3 1/2), and Mary (1 1/2).

Slide Rock Canyon in Arizona.

The Sedona Mountains in Arizona.